What are the latest trends in data science?

As the world entered the era of Big data, the need for its storage also grew. It was the main challenge and concern for the enterprise industries until 2010. The main focus was on building a framework and solutions to store data. Now when Hadoop and other frameworks have successfully solved the problem of storage, the focus has shifted to the processing of this data. Data Science is the secret sauce here. All the ideas which you see in Hollywood sci-fi movies can actually turn into reality by Data Science. Data Science is the future of Artificial Intelligence. Therefore, it is very important to understand what is Data Science and how can it add value to your business. We have to Understand the Basic concepts fo Data Science like:
  • The need for Data Science.
  • What is Data Science?
  • How is it different from Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Analysis?
  • The lifecycle of Data Science with the help of a use case.
With the help of artificial intelligence, the cloud and the internet of things, even the complexity of big data can be handled by those who are willing to use it to their organization’s advantage. Big data analytics has gone beyond the hot IT trend tag and has now established itself as part of doing business for companies. It is set to soon replace gold as one of the most valuable assets to man.
To keep you up-to-date, check out the hottest big data trends set to propel industries into the future:
  1. Rapidly Growing IoT Networks
  2. Accessible Artificial Intelligence
  3. The Rise of Predictive Analytics
  4. Dark Data Migration to the Cloud
  5. Chief Data Officers Will Have Bigger Roles
  6. Quantum Computing
  7. Smarter and Tighter Cybersecurity
  8. Open Source Solutions
  9. Edge Computing
  10. Smarter Chatbots
This is only the beginning, as big data continues to serve as the catalyst in the changes you are going to experience in business and technology. It is now up to you on how to efficiently adapt to these changes and help your own business flourish.


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